
Need Help?

Hebden Bridge Town Hall, St. George’s Street Hebden Bridge HX7 7BY.


Serialogical worked with the EU FMD operator to create a secure solution for prescription drug dispensing. By tracking the packet code set the location and status of goods can be centrally analysed. With prescription drugs serialisation ensures that an item is authentic, is not due for recall and can only be prescribed once.

DataMatrix and Barcodes

We can create custom barcodes and modify reader software to suit your needs. DataMatrix and QRCodes are square or rectangular blocks allowing more information to be held than within a linear barcode. The codes can be printed onto a range of surfaces providing an economical and immutable means of storing details on packaged goods.


Seriaological can modify the software on commercial RFID readers to satisfy individual business cases. We advise on the position and antenna facing of reader hardware. Using long range readers; transit portals or entire rooms can be scanned for stock changes even when items are shelved or within outer containers.


We can program Internet of Things devices to harvest data and securely pass it to an ‘edge server’ to collate data locally and send information for remote analysis. Readings can be combined with stock information for critical goods such those that are temperature or moisture dependent.

Remote Monitoring

Serialogical collect data from WiFi, cellular, radio or wired connections and securely pass that to centralised server systems. The data is then analysed and presented as alerts, reports in real time. Historical and predicted data can also be used for management decision making.

Supply Chain

We can track goods throughout the supply chain from manufacture to consumer. Our DataMatrix and RFID solutions allow goods to be tracked down to the individual pack level. IoT technology provides additional information about the environment of shipments even when they are in transit.


Our initial consultation session is free of charge. We will discuss the particular needs and challenges of your industry. Our UK University partners and in-house staff will work with you to develop a bespoke solution for your business


Our expertise applies to all supply chain scenarios. Our existing services include: Pharmaceutical tracking including dispensing of medicines, food and agriculture including proof of origin and protection from adulteration.